    GIGABYTE's new smart phone will help business travelers keep working and effectively manage their time no matter where they are in the world. Featuring fast Internet access via WiFi or GPRS as well as push e-mail technology via AKU2.3 you can get real-time e-mail, no matter where you are. Now you may be thinking any smart phone on the market can do these things, and you would be right. However, where the GIGABYTE smart phone sets itself apart from the pack is in the fact that it is the world's first multilingual smart phone.

    With the gSmart you can surf the Internet in multiple languages and view office documents and 98 different countries. For business users that traveled abroad frequently, the ability to browse multilingual Web pages for things like travel times and train schedules is a great option. No matter what country you're in simply browse to the page you want online and use a translator service like AltaVista's Babel Fish and read the page your native language. The phone also has a 2.1 megapixel camera and analog TV roaming. Powering the smart as Windows Mobile 5.0.