T-Mobile y American Mobile
Sometimes it is useful to consult the statistics of our website to know what our visitors are looking for, and thus be able to add material of the most interesting topics.
But sometimes we find some visitors who come looking for very curious key words, and in some cases key words that we find strange.
Words like "phone", "mobile", "smatphone", "iphone" or "Samsung" are common results, but sometimes the topics of interest seem to be others.
We share some examples below.
t mobile store around me, t mobile stores in my area, t mobile hours near me, t mobile close to me
As it seems, T-Mobile is not communicating correctly where are your commercial attention, and for some reason that we do not know many people come here looking for that information.
It would be impossible to include this kind of information here, it is information to search in the yellow pages of your city.
t mobile store by me, t mobile official store
Again it seems that when people look for topics related to T-Mobile, Google sends it to our site, even though we have never included information about this phone service until today.
t mobile service reviews, www t mobile com, tmobile com, t mobile best, t mobile insurance
More and more visitors looking for information about T-Mobile.
We are thinking about changing the name of our blog: "We are not T-Mobile".
t mobile logo
In order not to disappoint anyone else, we include the logo of this company below, it is not such a difficult request to fulfill, and at least we leave happy those who arrive looking for that.
american mobile
Once again we will disappoint our visitors.
We understand that American Mobile is a traveler's health insurance or something similar.
It's not that kind of mobility that this blog is about, apologies to those who come looking for health, we do not have that here.
Anyway, to all those who come here looking for information that we do not have, we thank you for your visit.